Nickey Russell

I qualified as a chartered physiotherapist in 1999 and specialised in orthopaedics and trauma. My great passion from an early age was horse riding and through that I collected numerous injuries, imbalances and tight areas all of which were much improved when I started Pilates.
I continued daily Pilates throughout both my pregnancies and caesarian rehabs and then as my strength program for my current passion, fell running.

I qualified as a teacher with Body Control Pilates in 2015 and have run classes in Bentham, Milnthorpe, Lancaster, Ellel and now Halton. I still work part time at Spire Fylde Coast hospital in Blackpool and I do private 1:1 Pilates sessions.

Body Control is my preferred method of teaching Pilates as it places emphasis on correct alignment and muscle use so teaching the body to be efficient as well as strong. Pilates can range from an all-over “tone-up and de-stiffen” to a super hard abdominal and core workout for those in training for other sports.

For further information about my classes, please contact me on