Patrick Stapleton

Growing up a football and gym fanatic as a lad, I was equally Inflexible, in body and mind. Upon encountering some adversities in my late teens, I tried yoga to calm my brain. As well as mentally reaping the benefits of the focussed breathwork, I was amazed that I could actually touch my toes within a fortnight of starting!

In the twenty years since I have continued to practice yoga, in addition to other exercise, particularly running. I came across DDP Yoga In 2012 when I was struggling with running related injuries, to my knees, hips and lower back. I found the combination of sports rehab moves, with the traditional yoga positions and continued focus on breathwork, really beneficial and from continuing to practice DDP Yoga I have been able to continue running and stay injury free ever since.

Last year I finally decided to take the plunge and get certified to teach DDP Yoga, and I am deeply passionate about introducing this exciting and unique form of yoga to people who have never heard of it and helping people to improve the quality of their lives.

DDP Yoga is for EVERYONE!! All levels, all ages. If you have not done any exercise for years, but know you need to get your body moving, you can do DDP Yoga. If you do lots of exercise and need a good stretch to stave off injury, you can do DDP Yoga. If you are an experienced yogi and fancy trying something with a bit of a twist, try DDP Yoga. Every position can be modified and there is always somewhere to go!!

DDP Yoga combines traditional yoga positions and focussed breath work with sports rehab therapy, calisthenics and dynamic resistance to improve flexibility, mobility, full body strength and core stability. By engaging your muscles and using dynamic resistance as you move, you will tone your body without lifting a weight and increase your heart rate to get a great cardio workout with minimal impact to your joints. Doing DDP Yoga, you will strengthen muscles, ligaments and tendons whilst stretching (and sweating!).

6 Week course: 4th November- 9th December: FREE!

To book: Email - or Phone - 07399 011744 (text, call or WhatsApp)