Rachel Walsh

Rachel stumbled upon yoga (in the form of a dvd!) while travelling in Asia in her early 20s. She discovered lots of other fun things on that trip and the next few years we’re pretty interesting to say the least!

“Back then I probably wasn’t gonna show up to my uni lectures or to your birthday party… But I was dedicated to my yoga practice. It’s the one place you can be yourself… without the bullshit!”

Having trained as a teacher in 2016, Rachel has taught thousands of yoga classes; offering a powerful, playful twist on the classical asana and always accompanied by excellent music.

On a mission to live a more balanced life herself, Rachel brings a unique perspective to students who may be looking for more than just the asana.

Dynamic Vinyasa with Rachel: Thursday 6pm

Open to all levels except beginners. A fluid, playful twist on the classical asana practice- matching breath with movement and always accompanied by excellent music. Come expecting to try new things alongside sun salutations, standing poses, balances, twists and backbends. A well rounded, energising practice for all abilities.

Drop ins £10 or 6 class pass for £50

Email Rachel on rachelhannahwalsh@gmail.com for more information or to book your spot!